
When you are able to listen to your inner voice, Grab a sheet of paper or a notebook and start asking yourself some questions. Do I like what I’m doing now? If you like what you’re doing now, then what can you do to make what you’re doing now better for you? If you don’t like what you’re doing now, what do you like to do? What is something you did in the past or have always wanted to try that you believe you can do and make money at? 

Your Values and Your Purpose?

What you value most drives what you are called to do. If you don’t know what your values are, I did a whole podcast a few weeks ago on finding your values. Defining our values will help us discover our purpose. If we are doing something that doesn’t align with our values, it’s going to drive us crazy as much as having the wrong job is.

My number one value is freedom, so if I’m in a job that has me tied down to a desk for 8 to 10 hours a day, I would go crazy. Which I’ve done before. So knowing your values can help you discover your purpose.

Where can you add value to others? Who needs what you offer? On this giant planet, with 7 billion other people, there has to be a group that fits your passion. We’re not in this just for ourselves. My coach reminds me often that what I have is a gift for others. If I really want to keep it, I have to give it away. And like Zig Ziglar said,

The more people you help get what they want, the more you will get what you want.

Zig Ziglar

Set Up a Time Frame. 

When do you want to be doing this part time? Full time? If you’re looking to do something and make money at it, what is the time frame that you want to do it in? Do you want to leave your current job? Having a specific goal of when you’re going to make the transition will motivate you to move forward. It will help drive you toward doing your passion. Set it up like any other goal and break it down into manageable time frames. What do you need to have accomplished in a month? What do you need to have accomplished in 6 months or a year?

When I went to school to be a coach, there were three types of people in my class. One’s who we’re full-time employees. There were people who were part-time employees and there were people like me who had been coaches for a while and were just getting certified. Everyone has a different time frame. Don’t overestimate what you can do in the short term and underestimate what you can do in the long-term. If you have a family that relies on your paycheck, you can’t just jump ship one day. Make a plan and stick to the plan. 

Don’t Waste Today

No matter what you always have today. You have your health, you may or may not have a job, you have your abilities, so be grateful for what you have. Use what you have right now to move you towards your ultimate purpose. Today, you can be the person you want to become.

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