
Personal development is an inside journey. It shows us who we are and the true potential we have. Personal development will always change us.

What Difference Does Personal Development Bring?

We Stop Looking For Quick Fixes

Personal development is about the long game. not finding a quick fix. When we stop looking for quick fixes, our relationships will grow and change. The options in our career will broaden and deepen. The Monk Thomas Merton put it this way,

Why do we have to spend our lives striving to be something we would never want to be, if we only knew what we wanted. Why do we waste our time doing things which, if we only stopped to think about them, are just the opposite of what we were made for? 

As you change, you stop looking for outside fixes. You understand that moving to a new city, changing jobs, changing significant others won’t fix the problem. The only fix comes from within.

We Will Learn Who We Truly Are

The longer we invest in personal development, the more we learn about ourselves. Most of us will learn about what psychiatrist Carl Jung called our shadow self or our false self. This is the face that we put on for the world to see. Jung said,

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

The more we invest in changing ourselves from the inside out, the more we learn about who we truly are on the inside. We learn what our full potential is. We learn we don’t have to make everyone else happy. And we learn what truly makes us happy. When we are intentional about personal growth and development, we open the door to understand ourselves in ways most of us can’t imagine. We change so drastically because we think we show the face to the world that we truly are, and many of us find that is not true. 

Personal Development Can Help You Find Your Purpose

When we start out on the road to personal development, we may have our site set on a certain destination. As we grow, that location can change. Over time and continued growth, more of our purpose is revealed. If you’ve never spent time in personal development, you can’t just sit down and write a mission statement or a purpose statement. We can do that. I did it. The more you invest in your life, that statement and trajectory changes drastically. I thought I wanted to follow a certain career path. After doing what was required to become who I thought I was supposed to be, I realized that wasn’t what I wanted. The more I grew, the more I moved away from that life and have become more than I ever dreamed I could be today. So if you really want to find your life mission, become the real you.

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